Illegal Gambling Establishments go High Tech in Asia

Gone are the days of darkly lit gambling dens packed with gambling tables and machines. Sometime within the last 5 years many of Asia’s illegal gambling establishments have ditched the cumbersome gaming tables for sleek, flat-screen computer monitors and an internet connection.

These types of gambling houses have become commonplace and are frequented by many customers. They eliminate the concern gamblers have about safeguarding personal information since players can simply hand some money to the manager who credits it to the computer the gambler will play on. Although most gambling houses are small they do offer a certain social aspect that is lacking if a player is sitting at home alone.

As for the gambling establishment owners themselves, they find plenty of advantages to operating this new kind of gambling environment. The cost of operating one requires no more investment than a handful of computers and the rental of a shop or apartment. The computers are networked together by store bought equipment which enables the owner to be able to shut them down with just the quick press of a button on the main computer. The shops tend to stay open for less than a year since they can easily be moved as they try to avoid detection.

However, not all can avoid the police raids. Recently, the police in Singapore have been busting these gambling houses in record numbers. Telltale signs have become easier for police to spot since they include CCTV cameras outside of establishments plus magnetic doors and pin code pads all of which would be out of the ordinary for a regular shop or apartment.

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