Top Strategies For Online Red Dog Poker

If you are interested in playing a fascinating and exciting poker version such as Red Dog you must first look over the various strategies offered. Red Dog poker is a very special version of poker. It is built around the concept of spread - the "distance" of values between two cards. Jack counts for 11, a Queen is 12, King 13 and Ace 14. The spread is the distance between two cards, that is the amount of cards that lay between them. For instance, distance between 7 and 9 is 1 and distance between 8 and King is 4.Playing Red Dog poker involves one kind of bet prior to the game start. The payouts that you are eligible for may differ from game to game and are a lot of times demonstrated on the Red Dog poker table itself. The game is easy, with only two cards drawn. The game is measured by the spread of those two cards. For this reason drawing two consecutive cards (like 7 and 8) makes a push and your wager is returned to you.A third card is drawn in case the first two are identical. In case it too is equal in value, you win 11 to 1. If the drawn cards are not consecutive, you should now calculate the spread and either raise or call. To raise is to double your bet and to call is to go on playing. The third card is drawn at this stage. If it fits between the first two, within the spread, you win and your payout will be calculated from the payout table. You lose if the card matches one of the first two cards or doesn't fit the spread.

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