Mobile Gambling Revenues Could Reach $100 Billion

Author: Nikolai Clausen
Date: 07.11.2012

In the last few decades, technological advances have really changed our daily habits. Many people wake up and log into their favorite social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to catch up on the events in their friends’; lives. On the way to school or work, people’s heads are face-down towards their phones using one popular app or another and this behavior continues throughout the day.

Mobile phones and devices have become such a part of our lives that many people are devastated when their gadgets are lost, stolen or break beyond repair. The casino industry, along with many others, is capitalizing on our addiction to our phones by flooding the mobile app market with plenty of casino games that are available with just a click and take only moments to download. The industry is becoming so popular that experts are predicting that the mobile casino market could be raking in $100 billion dollars per year within the next 5 years.

The convenience of being able to play your favorite casino games on a mobile device is undeniable and players are attracted to this ease. Now with huge companies such as Zynga and Facebook entering the real-money gaming world, players can be winning money on the go and whenever they have a few free minutes.

The advertising industry is also capitalizing on this new market by bombarding us with adverts on TV, websites, magazines and buses. This is quite possibly the driving force behind the mobile gambling market toping $100 billion. If advertising continues on its current path, who knows how high the revenues could reach in the future.

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